French Specialized Translation
French Specialized Translation
French Specialized Translation has become one of the fundamental needs of researchers, students, university professors, manufacturers, and traders due to the growth and specialization of science.
Therefore, Parsis French Translation Center employs specialized French translators to satisfy the needs of these classes of the society and provide a fluent and impeccable French translation. If you intend to use the services of Parsis French Translation Center, you can send us your text from the section “register your specialist French translation order” so that the Parsis team can declare you the cost and time within a few minutes and, if you would like you can complete your order.
Registering the French Specialized Translation Order
Why the specialized translation of texts?
As we have already stated, today, various sciences are expanding and each field of science has become a specialized field, so that only graduates of the same discipline can fully understand the issues expressed in it, for example: A person who has technical or medical education does not know the specialized expressions in the field of law, so we cannot find appropriate equivalents for the terms in the text until we can understand the terms even if we use specialized dictionary. This is because the presentation of good and unambiguous text requires a thorough understanding of concepts, so we need to be a graduate of that field for providing a good coherent text.
An example of the reason for specialized translation?
Let’s continue our explanation with an example; assume that you are a businessman and filed a lawsuit in a French-speaking country and the court issued its verdict in French, so to understand the subject matter of the sentence and the statement you must assign your French text to a French specialized experienced translator to provide you with a high quality law translation so that you can take the necessary steps for that legal case.
Note: But if you want to translate it yourself, you first need to be familiar with legal terms, while learning legal terms will take a few years, but the better way and the less costly and shorter way is that you use a specialized translator to provide you with a professional and specialized translator. Usually the second method, using a law translator, is most recommended.
Is the price of specialized translation different from other translations?
The answer to this question is in one word (yes). The French specialized translation price is different from a common translation and the French translators believe that as they have spent a lot of time learning specialized vocabulary, they deserve to receive a higher salary than a general translator. And the truth is that. It is suggested that the client does not resist paying more to a specialized translator because the client’s may think that the Translation Center is requesting more money only under the pretext of specialized French translations, thus refusing to pay more, and their translation has ended up in a low-quality text. Hence, they would be forced to assign the text to a specialized translator, thereby also paying more and wasting more time.
Therefore, it is recommended that even if the amount requested to carry out the French translation is heavy for you, do not resist the payment as much as possible, as the result would be a high-quality translation.
How to ensure French translation?
In order to ensure that the French translation is specialized, you will need to ask the French language department to translate a part of the text (about 7 to 10 lines) as sample free of charge for you. After your approval, you can finalize your order.
But if you cannot ensure the translation quality based on 7 to 10 lines, you can ask for 2 to 3 pages of your text to be translated as sample, so that if you confirm the sample, you can proceed with finalization of your order. It is noteworthy that, if request 2 to 3 pages of translation, you have to pay the fees since providing a translation sample of more than 10 lines requires payment.