Urgent German Translation - دارالترجمه رسمی پارسیس

Urgent German Translation

Urgent German translation is carried out at the Parsis official German translation center, one of the largest German language translation centers in Tehran; in cases of urgent need to translate German into Persian and Persian to German, you can receive your translation even within a few hours.

If you need to order an urgent German translation, click on the link below

Submit an urgent German translation order

Urgent Translation Delivery Time

The translation delivery time is divided into 3 categories, which we will be described below:

  • German official translation in normal time: The normal time for delivering German translation with confirmations from the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is 8 days; if you need only a German translation with a German official translator stamp and do not need the approval of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the translation will be delivered 5 days from the date of submission of documents. However, if you need it sooner,the translation will be regarded AS urgent translation and you will be charged more.
  • Semi-urgent German translation: Usually, it takes 4 working days for a semi-urgent German translation with approval of the Ministry of Justice and seal of the translator. Its fee does not differ a lot with that of normal official translation.
  • Urgent German official translation: it will take 3 days to be delivered. It should be noted that this type takes one day for translation and two days for obtaining the confirmations, however, the translation with confirmations can also be delivered within two days, one day for translation and one for confirmations.
  • Very urgent German translation: In this type of delivery, the official translator will translate the text within a few hours and the stamp will be revoked and the client will go to the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for confirmation.
  • If only the translator’s sign and seal are required, the translation will be delivered to the applicant within a few hours.

A few tips for urgent German translation

  • Official urgent German to Persian translation

The official German to Persian translation takes a longer time because the German text has to be approved by the Iranian Consulate in the issuing country and then the Iranian Consulate’s seal has to be approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tehran to begin the official German translation.

But if you are not present in the issuing country (Austria, Germany, Switzerland) you can go to the embassy of that country in Tehran and confirm your document and then have the consulate’s stamp of that country confirmed by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; You do not need to go to the Iranian Consulate to verify your educational degrees and letters of attorney and you can verify your documents through the TAK system so your verification process will be much shorter and if you have the necessary confirmations, in cases of emergency, your translation will be ready within hours.

Official Persian to German Translation

The official Persian to German translation can be carried out in a short time compared to German to Persian translation because your documents are in Persian language and will be translated directly, and in most cases will not require approval to get translation permission, except in rare cases.

But if you need an official Persian to German translation only with the translator’s seal (usually Germany and Austria embassies for tourist visa do not require the approval of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), so you do not need to worry about losing time for the lengthy approval process in Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Urgent German Translation Price

The price and delivery time of urgent official German translation is a multivariate equation and depends on many factors and the time constraints will be a major factor in announcing the translation price; that is, if your time to receive a translation is limited, the translator will request more fee. The second factor which has a significant effect on the price of official German translation is the type and number of words.

In other words, if you only have a translation of your birth certificate, your translation will be ready in a short time, but when you have some documents to translate, it will take more time for the translator and s/he has to stay awake and prioritize your work, so s/he will ask for more money.

All in all, we conclude that the official urgent German translation price will be subject to the number of documents and your time limit and does not have a fixed rate.

German unofficial urgent translation

The unofficial German translation can be delivered to the customer in a very short time and even within hours.

To begin the unofficial German translation process, just send us your text through the Translation Order Registration Section in our site’s homepage so that we can inform you about the cost and time to complete your order, if you wish. If you have enough time, do not ask for an urgent translation because normal translation is more cost-effective and has a higher quality. However, the urgent translation will be reviewed by the assessment team before being delivered to the customer.

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