Chinese translation services - دارالترجمه رسمی پارسیس
Chinese translation

Chinese translation services

Learn more about Chinese translation services

China, as one of the leading countries in industry and with the highest population rate, is playing the role of a leader for the world. As an influential marketplace for public and private companies, China is seeking to attract more audiences throughout the world.

One of the fastest routes to effectively reach the Chinese market is to use professionals who understand the Chinese culture and language, so Chinese translation services will be available for a variety of topics that will be named, respectively.

The importance of native Chinese translation

Today, most successful and efficacious translations will be native translation, the Chinese language includes several layers, both in written and spoken forms.

The Chinese language consists of two different forms, including simple Chinese and traditional Chinese.

For example, China and Taiwan have a common main language. The name of this language, which is both spoken in China and Taiwan, is Mandarin; however, the traditional form of Chinese language is mainly spoken only in Taiwan while the simple Chinese language is spoken in China.

For this reason, the importance of native Chinese translation for clients and audiences will be a top priority.

Due to the presence of different language dialects and different writing forms in each region of China, the best solution is localizing the language and documents.

China comprises a complex set of dialects. To be able to attract such a large potential audience, it is important to ensure the quality of your translated text. We provide professional and reliable Chinese translation services compatible with your audience.

Official Chinese translation

Official Chinese translations are carried out with 100% guarantee by Parsis Chinese Translation Center. By employing official and Chinese translators, we are able to officially translate your official documents and identity documents that are accepted by governmental agencies and non-profit organizations.

With the highest acceptance rates in official Mandarin and Chinese translations and complete confirmations, we can make translation easy for you. For further information, please refer to the below article.

What is Official Translation

Facts of Chinese language translation

Chinese translation is only practiced by native language translators. For example, Mandarin, with the highest language rate, has over 836 million native speakers. Cantonese holds the second position in this regard. This statistic is according to the World Statistics Website.

To date, China has a population of more than 1 billion and 400 million, so the facts are clear that understanding the Chinese language can almost have an impact on the retail, technology, engineering and finance industries.

We provide a great deal of help for the professions that demand the highest growth rates in the Chinese global marketplace. We have a team of domestic specialists who are fluent in Cantonese and Mandarin in the Chinese market so their experience and skill in the industry has led to the increasing success of Parsis Chinese translation service.

Chinese to Persian translation

Our team of experts has managed to conquer the world of Chinese translation. Translation from Chinese to Persian is not an easy task. More and more companies, organizations and individuals are in urgent need of translating their documents and articles into Chinese or from Chinese to Persian language so they can approach their partners or goals in any field of expertise.

Our skilled translators are present at the Chinese translation office and are able to translate Chinese into Persian or Persian to Chinese in a specialized way.

Our native experts and linguists will be ready to answer your questions on a 24-hour basis in the chat section of our website and will be available in the working hours through the telephones of Parsis Translation Center.

Specialized Chinese translation

The specialized areas that we know as specialized translation do not have a limited scope. We have employed many translators in the field of recruitment translators, each of whom are experts in different languages ​​and disciplines. Translators through the Chinese Translator Recruitment Tests are introduced to 5 strategies for becoming a professional translator.

Click here to read this article in Persian

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