urgent translation
Urgent Translation
Anything that emerges in the management of time with the index of low numbers in the axis of time involves urgency.
In the Parsis Official Translation Center, we consider urgent translation as a need and we provide the best quality-assured services to our customers by interacting with our translators.
Urgent Translation is not limited to the definition of translation of eight hundred words per hour. Urgent translation is a need that is divided into all kinds of Urgent Official Translation and Urgent Unofficial Translation.
Urgent Official Translation
Urgent Official Translation occurs when a translation applicant is faced with a lack of time in an administrative process and must submit their documents’ deficiencies to the competent authorities immediately. Generally, the normal delivery time of official translation, only with the official translator’s seal, is 5 days, but if this translation is to be confirmed by the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Foreign Affairs it will take a week. If you want to get acquainted with the official translation, please refer to this entry ?What is Official Translation
If you need your translation to be delivered earlier, it will costs will be calculated as urgent translation.
All official documents of each person, such as birth certificates, driving license, marriage documents, power of attorney, passports and even death certificates issued by government authorities in each country, are considered official documents, and their translation must be officially performed by qualified official translator of the Ministry of Justice. It is interesting to note that most embassies, including the Embassy of Austria and Germany, accept the official translation of documents without the approval of Ministry of Justice; hence, in these cases you do not require to spend your time and money on getting approval from the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In such situations, translation can be conducted immediately and even at less than 24 hours.
No matter to what language you intend to officially translate your documents, Parsis Official Translation Center is committed to officially translate your documents to a variety of languages by cooperating with many qualified and official translators of the Ministry of Justice.
In most cases, the official translation needs to be verified by the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be qualified for using abroad, but you do not have enough time in most cases; hence, it is necessary for your work to be done more quickly and verified in the minimum possible time by the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. To do so, we will provide you with the official translation sealed by an official translator and void the stamp and you will just need to take the approval of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which will take a maximum of 3 hours. However, if you get to the Ministry of Justice at 8 o’clock in the morning you will manage to take its approval and refer to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Urgent Unofficial Translation
Normally, every translator translates 1,500 words per day; in case of an urgency to receive the translations earlier than the standard period, it is necessary to pay more to the translator to provide the translation at the needed time and with the best quality.
Any text that you intend to translate, other than the official documents, which needs to be urgently translated will be assigned to the relevant translators after analyzing its content. The result will be a quality-assured translation in the least possible time.
An urgent translation can be an article that must be submitted to a conference in due time or it can be a commercial contract in business context, as the case and requirements might be.
Urgent Translation of Book
In some cases, it has been observed that the customer is requesting the translation of a 400-page book within 48 hours. In such cases, the Parsis Official Translation Center Team divides the various sections of the book between several translators specialized in the book’s field so the translation will be prepared at the scheduled time. It is interesting to note that the translations of all sectors will be checked by a final translator to harmonize the terms and expressions and jargons used by the different translators which results in a consistent translation.
Does Urgency Affect Translation Quality?
If we want to answer this question honestly, the response is yes; undoubtedly, urgent translation affects the quality because any translator has a limited scope of ability, and when we ask the translator to do more than their ability, it naturally affects the quality of their work even though the translator is experiences and talented. However, the important point is that even if the time for the translation is restricted, care should be taken to do the translation accurately; our solution for an economical urgent translation of a massive text is to divide the translation between several translators and a final translator checks the terminology. Even though this method enhances the quality to a great extent, it is recommended to forbid urgent translation where possible. Urgent translation should be done only when unavoidable.
For what languages Urgent Translation services are provided in this center?
It does not matter in what language is your text, neither does the destination language, nor does the type of translation (official or unofficial), well-trained and committed translators of this center provide urgent translation services in all languages.
What makes the Parsis Official Translation Center conspicuous in the field of urgent translation is the use of methods and techniques for time management. By creating translation expert teams, we direct a group work in urgent translation to offer you the top quality translation in the shortest time. Our Urgent Translation Department begins its task at any moment when you send the text.
Just select the Urgent Translation Option while sending your text.
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